Abstract: Recent Status: This project provides an interface to break the gaps between: 1. Student – Teacher 2.Student – Alumni 3.Teacher-Parent 4.Student-Student. Among many other reasons, the main reason for creating the project is to reduce the communication gap and information gap between student and teacher. Mostly, it is seen that the students are unable to communicate with the teachers and hence there is a communication gap that creates disability in creating a bond between the student and the teacher, which is very much essential. There is no common interface for student-teacher communication and in case if any student is unable to communicate face to face like for any problem to sort out. There are many students who want to share their views regarding their self-development or mutual development. It consists of an area where the students can share their point of view and also provides an area called “Grievance Cell”, where the HOD (head Of Department), and teachers can give their suggestion and advise for students for improving or polishing their skills. Here, the students will be benefited as they get an option for a path to choose, what they are going to do further. Most of the student is unable to go through the notice board. It consists of an area where the users (student and teachers) get each and every details like: 1. Result 2. Attendance 3. Noticeboard 4. Notes 5. Grievance cell 6. Fun time 7. Ask me please 8. Update account 9. Chat 10. Support

Keywords: Software Interface; attendance, result and notice; Queries; Proctor.